Sunday, December 29, 2013

9 Months & 1st Christmas

 Weight: 19 lbs
Height: 28 inches
Diapers: Size 3
Feeding: Baby food Size One Jar
Accomplishments: Pulling herself up on EVERYTHING!

Standing and walking with help.

 Waving "Hi" and "Bye-Bye".

Trying table food such as french fries, noodles, crackers,pizza, cheesy potatoes, olives, cucumbers, tortilla chips, cheerios, bread.

1st Christmas

Santa brought Adria a Little People house, and a pink cape and mask. 

Eryn made this adorable crown and wand.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

8 1/2 MONTHS

 Weight: 18.4 lbs
Height: 28 inches
Diapers: Size 3
Teeth: 2 (bottom front teeth)
Accomplishments: Crawling!
~Adria is pushing up on her hands and knees and rocks herself back and forth
She is army crawling/launching. She pushes up, launches herself forward and then drags herself with arms and pushes with her feet. Its quite an involved army crawl. Needless to say we have had to move a couple of things around to keep her safe.

This is a pre-crawling video. I think my crawling videos are all too long for blogger. 
But this is still cute

We love Adria's little laugh. It makes everyone in the house so happy!

~Adria had 2 teeth come in this month! Our kids have always gotten their bottom 2 teeth around the same time...double fun. Her first tooth (bottom left) "popped out" over the first weekend in November and her second tooth (bottom right) came in this week.

~Adria has had her first cold. It started with goopey eyes. I am thinking its because she started crawling so her hands are on the floor a lot more. I was able to clear her eyes up with by washing regularly with warm water and was lucky it wasn't pink eye. Then this last week probably around Wednesday her appetite changed. (She already eats less than our boys did at this age, naturally I was a little concerned). It turns out she has a head cold, poor  thing. Luckily I haven't had to take her in to doc, just lots of fluid, baby-vicks and the humidifier. I think she is finally on the mend (her appetite starting to come back).

~Adria is starting to be able to stand leaning up against the couch or ottomans.
~We are working on clapping and waving bye-bye.

First pair(s) of shoes..I couldn't resist. 

AND...I finally have lost all of the baby weight...good grief it takes longer with each kid.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A tooth & Crawling!

This little girl finally cut a tooth the weekend after Halloween. Her bottom left front tooth. The right one is not far behind. I think it will pop out in the next week. I say finally because it feels like she has been teething forever! I would love to post a pic, but you can only see the tip of the tooth. S

Also this little lady is MOBILE! Also accomplished the weekend after Halloween. She has the cutest crawl. It kind of looks like a the butterfly stroke. She pushed up on her arms and kind of launches her self forward. She also pushes up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. The other move she has perfected is a "plank move" - pushing up on her arms and toes and holding herself steady for a couple of seconds. Maybe she will be a yoga instructor when she grows up?

Pictures to come.

Monday, November 11, 2013

7 Months & 1st Halloween

Its sounds so cliche to say time is flying...but it really is!

7 Months
Weight: 17 lbs10 oz (50th%)
Height: 27 1/4 inches (75th%)
Eating Habits: Half a jar of baby food w/ 5-6 oz bottles. 
Tried "puffs" for the first time, of course she loves them. 
Nighttime: 2 tbsp of rice cereal w/ 8 oz bottle at 9:30 pm. Sleeps until 6:30...could possibly sleep longer if Oliver didn't wake the entire house up at 6:30 am.
Things to Remember: 
Adria started legitimately teething this month. It has kept her up at nights, poor girl and poor us!
She has been pushing up on her arms and toes still and is serious about trying to crawl.
Adria "responds" to her name, and will look at a person if you ask her "Where's Oliver, Lincoln, Dad" etc.
She continues to make cute noises and is definitely going to be a "talker".
Adria is very wiggly.
She is starting to reach out to us to pick her up or hold her.
Her hair is curly!

Adria's first Halloween 
 Adria LOVED the little pumpkin 
Lincoln & Oliver picked out for her.

 Adria wore this shirt w/black pants a little pumpkin hat, pumpkin booties and carried a little pumpkin shaped flash light for trick-or-treating.  But in all the excitement I didn't get a picture, sad.

See more pictures from Halloween on family blog here.

Friday, October 4, 2013

6 & 1/2 Months

Height: 26 1/2 inches
Weight: 17.6 lbs
Eating habits:  2 tbs fruit, 2 tbs veggies, 2 tbs rice cereal and 5 oz bottles every 4-5 hours
 Accomplishments:  Rolling EVERYWHERE. Pushing up on her arms, knees (slightly) and toes.  Stretching/reaching for toys. Shaking her head back and forth and leaning her head way back to look behind her.  Making "m", "b", "p" sounds and blowing " small raspberries". Adria is sitting on her own and starting to lift her head and shoulders off the ground by herself.

Discoveries: New foods - apples, pears, bananas, peaches, green beans, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, turkey and chicken broth. Adria is NOT a fan of the turkey/chicken broth even when it is mixed in with the veggies or rice cereal. Also she is not a fan of water. We try to give her water every day and she squeezes her lips shut so we can't give her the water. She does this with milk bottles too until she gets a little milk on her lips and knows for sure that it isn't water.
Adria does not like to have damp diaper. We change her quite a bit more than the boys because she fusses if her diaper is damp. expensive.

Adria discovered the rolling walker thingy. She loved the toys, mirror and the freedom to move around the kitchen.

Diapers: Size 3 diapers
Nighttime Routine: To bed at 8pm, eat one last bottle and a little rice cereal at 9:30pm back to bed, 
wake up at 6:30am.


Monday, August 26, 2013

5 Months

Height:26 inches
Weight:14 lbs 13 oz
Eating habits:  2 tbs rice cereal per day + 6 oz bottles every 4-5 hours
 Accomplishments: She has begun rolling over from her back to her tummy and she's really lifting up on her hands. She has begun eating rice cereal and is getting ready for fruits and veggies.
Diapers: Size 2 diapers
Nighttime Routine: To bed at 8pm, eat at 10pm, wake up at 6am

Sunday, August 4, 2013

3 & 4 Months

We were in Boston/NYC when Adria turned 3 months old and somehow the 4 month milestone slipped away too and in a week and a half she will be 5 months old!  Time is going by so fast!

 3 month stats/accomplishments
 Eating habits:  4 oz bottles every 5 hours.
 Accomplishments: Discovered her hands, tounge and her voice.  Adria is definitely a girl, she "talks" a day long.  She is also SUPER smiley. She gives everyone she meets a huge smile and giggle and makes everyone's day.  Grandma and Grandpa Jensen call her "Angel" because she is such a peaceful and happy baby.
Diapers: Moved up to size 2 diapers.
Nighttime Routine:Started sleeping through the night at 10 1/2 weeks, 11 pm to 7 am. 

 Adria became special friends with her cousin Makena who is 4 days older!

Adria went on her first camping trip when she was 3 1/2 months and did great!

 4 month stats/accomplishments

  Weight: 12 lbs
Height: 24 inches 
 Eating habits:  5-6  oz bottles every 4 to 5 hours
(8 oz bottle in the morning)
 Accomplishments: Discovered her feet, putting things in her mouth and objects in front of her - toys, bottle, etc. She likes to lift her feet up and kick her blanket off. She also started arching her back and kicking her legs, during tummy time. I think she is going to be rolling over and scooting in a couple of weeks. 
Adria LOVES for people to talk to her and make her laugh.
Nighttime Routine: 10 pm to 7 am 

This was Adria's first hike. We took all the kids and Grandpa Jensen on a hike called Horse Flats near the summit of American Fork Canyon - it was a hideous hike. I have never been swarmed with so many flies, bees, and mosquitoes.  I still have the bug bite scars to prove it. Luckily they didn't attack Adria.